Goin’ back to New Orleans (DK)

Goin’ Back to New Orleans (GBTNO) serve up a high-octane, energetic show that reaches beyond the limits of the stage. The group performs old fashioned, funky New Orleans style party music with steelpans, drums, bass and vocals. GBTNO wants the audience to join in on the experience in true New Orleans fashion, with a lot of emphasis on audience participation. During the show the story of New Orleans’ unique musical heritage is told; an eclectic mix of styles and genres that has given the city the tagline “the birthplace of jazz”. The concert is performed in English.

Goin’ Back to New Orleans (GBTNO) serverer et energisk show som strekker seg langt utover scenekanten! Gruppen spiller klassisk, funky New Orleans-festmusikk med steelpan, trommer, bass og sang. Med utgangspunkt i New Orleans-tradisjonen der alle synger, danser og spiller, vil GBTNO få publikum opp fra stolene og med i musikken! Underveis fortelles historien om New Orleans som en smeltedigel av afrikansk, indiansk, fransk og engelsk musikkultur – en blanding som har gitt byen tilnavnet «den rytmiske musikkens vugge». Konserten foregår på engelsk.


Gregory Boyd (steelpan, percussion, vocals)

Jens Chr. Dam (drums, percussion, vocals)

Joakim Øster (bass, percussion, vocals)



Duration: 45 min or 60 min (special workshop performance)

Setup: 60 min

De-rig: 30 min

Producers: Goin´ Back To New Orleans + LMS



Joakim Øster


+45 22526067

